Air-driven pump set THAP 300E/K10 suitable for mounting and dismounting OK-couplings

Air-driven pump set THAP 300E/K10 suitable for mounting and dismounting OK-couplings

  • Detail
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THAP 300E/K10

Air-driven pump set

The THAP 300E/K10 set consist of the THAP 300E air-driven pump with accessories, such as pressure gauge, pressure hose with quick connection couplings and connection nipples. Delivered in a wooden carrying case it is suitable for mounting and dismounting OK-couplings, for dismounting large pressure joints like bearings, flywheels, railway wheels and in many similar applications. It is delivered with a 1 litre can SKF Mounting fluid LHMF 300.

  • Complete set for the required task at hand

  • By using air-driven pumps instead of hand- operated equipment, a considerable amount of time can be saved

  • Easy to connect to the application

  • Easy and quick generation of pressure upto 3000 bar


Air-driven pump set THAP 300E/K10 suitable for mounting and dismounting OK-couplingsAir-driven pump set THAP 300E/K10 suitable for mounting and dismounting OK-couplings

THAP 300E/K10