Ultrasonic technology is applied to valve leakage detection


Ultrasonic technology is applied to valve leakage detection

A-B-C-D four-point method

Valve leakage can occur in many industrial applications, such as the food processing industry and the petrochemical industry, and the consequences are often very serious. Proper care and maintenance can extend the service life of valves and help reduce safety risks and unplanned downtime.

The ultrasonic detector is an effective tool for checking different types of valves, it is safe, simple and practical - even in noisy piping systems, it can confirm leaking valves.

Ultrasonic inspection can be used for leak detection of various on-off valves in steam, pneumatic or hydraulic systems.

To determine if there is an internal leak when the valve is closed, simply listen to the valve and confirm if there is turbulence due to the leak. For smaller leaks or valve leak detection in noisy environments, we use the ABCD detection method to help users diagnose the valve. In order to determine the status of the valve, such as leakage or blockage: contact the two test points upstream of the valve (points A and B), and then contact the two test points downstream of the valve (points C and D), with each dB value for comparison and confirmation. With this easy to use method, the operator can immediately identify the difference in sound quality and intensity of the sound, thus accurately determining the operating state of the valve. Sound analysis can also reflect the amplitude and flow of the fluid between the upstream and downstream test points.

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For the detection of valve leakage, the A-B-C-D method is used to help users diagnose the valve. Today, ACEPOM Amplatin Industries offers the SKF series of ultrasonic detectors to help users accurately and quickly detect the operating status of valves.