Anti-riot shaft alignment tool Fixturlaser EXO Integrated Bluetooth for wireless communication

Anti-riot shaft alignment tool Fixturlaser EXO Integrated Bluetooth for wireless communication

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Anti-riot laser Fixturlaser EXO
Keep your maintenance team and production safe

Certified smart alignment system for use in hazardous areas.
Our core value is to guide the right user in the operation process, and we have developed numerous professional features. The real-time numerical display and VertiZontal™ horizontal and vertical combination adjustment are unique in the laser shaft alignment tool industry.
They bring convenience to our end users. This first helps to complete the shaft alignment accurately and quickly, saving working time and improving reliability. More importantly, save money.
All components of the FIXTURLASER EXO are included in the intrinsically safe shaft alignment kit.

Industry-leading EX certified smart sensors
Integrated Bluetooth for wireless communication between the display unit and the smart sensor
The 30 mm digital sensor detector + line laser eliminates coarse alignment, thereby reducing setup time
The built-in dual dipmeter detects gaps and obtains Angle values during horizontal alignment measurements
The thinnest smart sensor on the market
Pre-installed fixture reduces setup time
Instant Battery Check - in on and off mode
II 3G Ex ic op isIIC T4 Gc

EX certified tablet with apps and icon-based user interface
Icon based and color coded user interface A language-free user interface
The real time value of the adjustment period
An animated arrow indicating adjustment direction and misalignment amplitude
Integrated Bluetooth for wireless communication between the display unit and the smart sensor
ATEX/IECEx Zone 2 certification, including rugged IP68 tablet devices

Guide U

Our graphical user interface is your calibration guide

Our patented icon - and application-based color-coded user interface GuideU makes it easy to measure, align, and document every job. To minimize the risk of operator error, we have developed an adaptive user interface for the FIXTURLASER EXO system. It guides the user through the entire job in logical and easy-to-follow steps. It will provide measurements and calibration values based on what the system finds during calibration.

This eliminates confusion for inexperienced users and provides convenience for the entire measurement using the FIXTURLASER EXO system. To add an enhanced user experience, we have given the interface a game-like 3D graphical look that helps accurately explain any misalignment errors.

Our icon-driven, language-free calibration system generates measurement reports that can be easily understood by all users, no matter what language they speak.

Vertizontal Moves™

Measure once, move in both directions
Vertical Motion ™ This feature shows exactly how far the machine is out of alignment and in which direction it needs to be adjusted by adding or removing spacers from the base of the machine. It is no longer necessary to re-measure between the vertical and horizontal phases to correct the horizontal deviation.
This industry-first feature saves time and ensures first time accuracy. Time savings mean cost savings for both maintenance and production departments. In short, save money for the entire company.



Fixturlaser EXO

1 Tablet

2 measuring probes

2 V-shaped brackets with chain

Rod kit

2 chains, 8 mm (length =970 mm)

2 USB cables

1 USB charger

One 5-meter tape measure

3 USB cables A-mini B, 0.5 m

2 common tools

Anti-riot shaft alignment tool Fixturlaser EXO Integrated Bluetooth for wireless communication between display unit smart senso
