only adaptive laser shaft alignment system for EX areas ROTALIGN Touch EX Wireless Bluetooth

only adaptive laser shaft alignment system for EX areas ROTALIGN Touch EX Wireless Bluetooth

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Advanced laser shaft alignment‍ in EX/ATEX areas

ROTALIGN touch EX is Zone 1 ATEX/IECEX certified. Packed with user-friendly alignment features unique to PRUFTECHNIK, the ROTALIGN touch EX shortens the measurement time with:

  • Continuous SWEEP Mode for high-quality measurement in only one shaft rotation

  • Live Move function for simultaneous real-time machine corrections in both horizontal and vertical directions

  • vertiSWEEP to measure vertical machines in one rotation of the shaft

  • Cardan shaft rotating-arm bracket allows measurements to be performed without removing the shaft

  • Soft Foot Wizard to diagnose soft foot problems

  • Move Simulator lets the operator simulate shim values and horizontal corrections before moving the machine

Have instant access to the critical data you need with full mobile connectivity. The ROTALIGN touch EX tablet is Wi-Fi enabled and equipped with a Bluetooth module, an integrated camera, and an RFID reader for automatic machine identification and error-free two-way transfer of asset data.

Direct communication between the tablet and the ALIGNMENT RELIABILITY CENTER 4.0 PC software allows specialists to archive, analyze, and process alignment data to improve asset performance improvement and reliability.

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